Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sandwich Odyssey

Another local favorite, the Sandwich Odyssey (across the street from Bellingham High School) is a great sandwich place. I love the fact that they use hunks of roasted turkey in their sandwiches, not processed, thinly-sliced 'turkey-in-a-tube'. Big props for that! What I don't like is that they're using styrofoam cups to serve their soup and side items--even for the folks who are eating there in the restaurant. They gave me an actual metal fork to eat my macaroni salad, but that salad was served in a styrofoam bowl. Ack! Come ON! You're willing to wash silverware, but not small bowls for the soup and salad?

I'm in a letter-writing mood this weekend...I think I'll be shooting off a letter to them about this injustice, as well. Can this be BYOC? Hmmm.

Sandwich Odyssey
2001 Cornwall
Bellingham, WA
(360) 738-6919

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